Archive for April, 2010

Security sensor groups

April 18, 2010

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Two new sensor groups will be making appearance in the next revision of the IPMI apps – ‘Platform Security‘ and ‘Physical Security‘. Deciding which groups to include is a balancing act. Too many and the app slows down too much (i.e. forget running on Edge). Too few and the usefulness is hard to justify. An option to. . . (Read more)

Development updates

Detailed view for compact IPMI sensors

April 12, 2010

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One of the goals for the next release is to provide means to view additional sensors and chassis information. A user should be able to tap on an individual sensor cell or on a chassis summary cell to reveal more detailed view of the item. First stop is compact sensors. Unlike full sensors, IPMI compact. . . (Read more)

Development updates

Inactive SDRs

April 9, 2010

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A quick update on a new feature to be included in the next revision of the IPMI apps. There is now an option to show sensor data records (SRD) even if READING_UNAVAILABLE or SCANNING_DISABLED flags are active. It is pretty useful for troubleshooting. See screenshots below.

Development updates

New face of yellowKompressor

April 5, 2010

Welcome to our new site! The update was long overdue. It is kind of sad to see our old iWeb pages go but it is time for us to catch up with the 21st century :). Layout looks familiar? Well… it should be. Like many other interactive sites on the net ours runs on WordPress. . . (Read more)

General Topics

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